
Company Type:

Channel Partners

Country: Canada

City: Halifax


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1888 Brunswick St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3J8

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Advanced Zoho partner: Zoho One implementation, customization, integration, and support.Customerization is a Toronto-based Zoho Advanced Partner specializing in all Zoho applications, data migration, and 3rd systems integrations.At Customerization, we help North American SMEs get out of the grind of being a tech expert.Our team knows the ins and outs of ZOHO and can quickly handle any implementation - from the simplest to the most complex - from speedy CRM configuration to integration with your ERP system and data migration, to effective training and user adoption.

Axiom is a managed service provider that specializes in cloud and network security, cyber security, ransomware recovery services, cyber ransomware, IT services and network security and setup. Based out of Ontario, Canada, we have served businesses of all sizes across industries around the world.

We help companies grow and scale by optimizing their operations, elevating their client experience, and streamlining their sales and marketing.

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The Productivv Method is a proven method to transform any existing business into a self-operating business.

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